Unlimited Living Energies

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Energy Transmitter
The holographic radionic instrument that assists practitioners to speed up their treatment of patients.
If you are a Radionic Practitioner or a student of Radionics and you have arrived at this page because you have searched for Energy Transmitter, please be advised that this product has been superceded by another instrument called Clear Channel. The information below on the previous product is therefore archival in nature and provided for information purposes only. Clear Channel is made entirely of glass and comes with a basic User Guide. The price is £250 available directly from Chris Dennison. Please contact him at the following address: chrisdennison@hotmail.com. However we do provide various other instruments made by Chris, which anyone can benefit from here.
The information below on the previous product is now archival in nature and provided for information purposes only.

Energy Transmitter information



For Information and Orders please contact chrisdennison@hotmail.com