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Bowen Technique Press Releases

(May 2001)

Written by
Jon Fenton-Fischer and Aggie Marcinkowska

STRESSFUL working environments and long hours can play havoc on your posture and lead to back problems with serious long-term consequences. There are ways of dealing with it ­ forcing yourself to take breaks, insisting on comfortable chairs or, for those that favour extreme action, quitting your job. But Mark Lester, who works at The Finchley Clinic in Wentworth Avenue, believes there is another simple solution which will affect your overall wellbeing and health. For the past seven years he has practised the Bowen Technique, a gentle, remedial therapy which promotes healing, pain relief and helps boost energy. "Shiatsu and other massage techniques involve a lot of poking, and I don¹t want to be poked," he said. "Bowen is far more gentle and works with the body. The belief behind it is that less is more and that the body can be reset to heal itself." I have seen many people with long-term back and neck problems whose conditions disappeared within two to three sessions."

Named after Australian therapist Thomas Bowen, born in 1906, the technique he pioneered is now used by professional practitioners around the world, from osteopaths to sports therapists. It is still, however, relatively unknown in this country. Each treatment lasts around 45 minutes and for some people, just two or three sessions are enough to alleviate pains they may have been suffering for years. Using thumbs and fingers, points on the body are located and gentle, rolling manoeuvres are made which aim to disturb the muscles, soft tissue and energy within the body. The technique has helped people suffering from conditions as diverse as kidney problems and hayfever, but is more commonly used to treat back, knee and neck pain, RSI and sports injuries.

Grant Rowland, who lives in Barnet, sees Mark for treatment about once a month." I tried Bowen out of curiosity ­ as a swimming teacher and lifeguard I do a lot of physical things and my posture wasn¹t very good," he said. "I also cycle a lot and that led to hunching and tension in my shoulders and lower back." I found the Bowen Technique very uplifting. I felt more relaxed and in tune with myself. I think it helped my body energy flow better ­ it¹s very gentle compared to other osteopathic treatment I¹ve had which was much more violent." While it doesn¹t promise everything to everyone, Mark keeps a book of letters from satisfied customers who have thanked him for helping them where conventional medicine failed. And if your bosses are too mean to buy that osteopathic chair you really need when glued to your office computer, it may be the only help you can get.

Bowen Technique Plus is practiced by Mark G. Lester at:

The Finchley Clinic,
26 Wentworth Avenue,
London N3 1YL
+44 (0) 20 8349 4730

Finchley Clinic Therapies